The Devil (and the Diamond) Is In the Details
When we hire professionals, we expect them to know their job and to do it well. For example, when we hire a contractor to do work in our home, we expect them to bring their own tools and to clean up after themselves. Supplying tools and cleaning up aren’t typically line items in the contract, […]
Pencil Points Comes Out Tomorrow. Here’s a Sneak Peek
How To Avoid Getting Spanked By the FDA We keep running lists of potential Pencil Points topics and pick and choose each month to find the best ones to write about. Let’s just say that sometimes our best-laid plans for an issue get waylaid when topic opportunities fall out of the sky. Such was our […]
Read and Become a Better Writer
In our opinion reading and writing go hand in hand. They are 2 sides of the same coin. We’ll even stick our necks out and state that we believe that to be a good writer, an exceptional writer, one must read–a lot. We read a lot.We’re not talking about the clinical study reports, journal articles, […]
Win By Not Losing
Exactly how did the tortoise beat the hare? It certainly wasn’t by being the fastest. The tortoise beat the hare by not making the mistakes the hare made. The important lesson here is that the tortoise didn’t win, the hare lost. So the tortoise won by NOT losing. We’ve built our success as freelances the […]
Take Your Business From Simmer to Sizzle
Here in the Northeast the thermometer is sizzling above the 90-degree mark, but as we near the end of July we know the lazy days of summer are almost over. From a freelance perspective that means nearly 3 quarters of the year have passed. The end of summer is a good time to take a […]